Microstockphoto - October results
It was my best ever month..
Below are percentages for the month to show how I have been going:
20% shutterstock (BEST EVER MONTH - BEM)
17% dreamtime (2nd BEM)
9% Fotolia (BEM)
13% istockphoto (BEM)
4% bigstockphoto
25% 123RF (BEM)
7% StockXpert
1% Featurepics
2% Canstock
1% Galastock
1% LuckyOliver
123RF is high this month as I had an Extended License sale (EL) on which I earned a lot more that the normal 0.3 - $2. An EL is where the buyer gets additional rights with the purchase, for example being able to do bigger print runs. Most sites do them but to date, I have only had a couple. Due to the small size of my portfolio, this messed up the percentages a bit. Normally it is only about 7% with the others obviously picking up the difference.
I have also added above the smaller sites that I upload to. As you can see, not a lot going on there. I am supporting them in the hope they will take off but at this point, it doesn't look like they will be catching up to the big boys any time soon.
shutterstock continues to be my pick as it continues to get consistant high sales, so if you haven't joined up yet, have a look:
My guess for the site to improve most is Fotolia . It has a huge portfolio of photos and their marketing is only starting (they are less than 1 year old). They have multi-language sites and have quite a focus in Europe where the other sites dont seem to be as focused.